


1. 此優惠只適用於香港 city'super派對套餐網上商店 (partyset.citysuper.com.hk)

2. From 15 (Wed) December 2021 to 19 (Sun) Dec,2021 , one HK$50 eCoupon will be awarded to super e member upon net purchase of HK$500 at city’super Partyset website. Each member can earn a maximum of one eCoupon.

3. The eCoupon is applicable to online purchase at city’super E-Shop, and is only valid till 5 January 2022.

4. The eCoupon will be issued to the membership account automatically on 22 (Wed) December 2021. You may log in to the city’super HK app for eCoupon details and duration of validity.

5. 於city'super 店單一消費淨值滿港幣100 元,可使用港幣50 元電子優惠券一張。此電子優惠券不適用於折扣後貨品。恕不接受合併收據。

6. 每項交易只可使用一張電子優惠券。逾期或已失效的電子優惠券將不獲接受。

7. Purchases of city'super gift cards, shopping vouchers, designated products, stored value top-up, delivery charges, plastic shopping bag charges and gift wrapping charges are not eligible for this promotion.

8. 此優惠不能兌換成現金、其他產品/禮券或轉讓給他人。圖片只供參考。

9. 如取消交易或進行購物退款,因該次消費而獲得的獎賞積分及累積消費將會自動扣除,包括因特定推廣計劃而獲得之額外獎賞積分及累積消費。

10. super e會員必須於網上商店結算前登入會籍,方可享用此禮遇。恕不接受追溯申請。

11. City Super Limited有權隨時修改此電子優惠券之使用條款而不作另行通知。如有爭議,最終將以City Super Limited之決定為準。